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Get To Know Us
Hey, thanks for staying around to find out some more information. I hope that means that you are serious about teaming up to plan a world-class project, because that’s what I do.
I’m pretty sure that you noticed the Example Projects on my homepage, but just in case you came in here first, or did not scroll down far enough, go on back and take a look, I am sure that you will like what you see. Those are World-Class projects, and at the risk of repeating myself - that’s what I do.
That silhouette over there is me...at least it is the physical appearance of me that people seem to notice first; the large grey-white flowing moustache, my longer-than-corporate-hair, and the Panama hat. Why the hat you ask; well the top of my head and the sun just don’t seem to get along anymore, you know, being bald and all, but in all honesty it really does look good on me.
About now you are probably asking yourself - why is he only talking about himself, and where are the silhouettes for the other members of the team?...good question. The simple answer is that I AM Design Fusion International, that’s right, it is a one-man firm. All of the ideas, design, planning, writing, graphics, etc. that come out of this office have been created by me personally, yes - even this web site. My wife does the books, keeps me going when I have self-doubt, puts up with my crazy hours, and is my greatest advocate. I also have a few really talented friends - who are also at the top of the heap in their professions - that I can consult with, or hire on for a while, if there are things that I need help with.
So when I say that when you hire “US” you get one-on-one attention, I mean it, you get one-on-one attention with the best Planner/Designer in the business…me. What typically takes other firms a team of people to accomplish, I do myself, and I get it done a lot faster.
For example, when a recent project ran up against a very vocal neighboring Community Group that were opposed to a portion of our project taking access off of their main neighborhood access road, the developer asked the engineering firm to take a look at finding an alternative access point for our project. After a month and a half and multiple studies, the engineering firm found that due to the natural steepness and extremely tight constraints of the site, there was no other viable alternative for access to this portion of our project.
Knowing that this was not going to set well with the Community Group, I said that I would take a quick look at it to be sure. So around four o’clock on a Friday afternoon I left the meeting with a self-imposed task of trying to find a way to quell the anger of the community group, and still meet the developer’s needs. Come the following Monday at eight a.m. (two and one-half days), I had a completely new design for the 200 plus single-family portion of the project that still remained within its sensitive grading footprint. Including new grading with the dirt balancing the same as it was, each individual lot pad elevation noted, street grades configured, drainage considered, a new park location, and most importantly, the neighborhood access was removed from the contested road and moved to the adjacent road - away from any areas of community dispute.
As a side note, the Community Group was so happy that they wanted the new access road to be named "Day Road". The street name never happened, but I was grateful for the compliment.
That is just one example of many where the developer could have saved both time and a lot of money by just coming to me first.
Well, by now you are probably tired of reading all of these words, and may have even skipped a paragraph or two already. If you did, I must tell you that you missed some important information, and you may want to go back and read it; if not now, maybe later.
I Invite You To Get To Know Us
I am sure that you will be happy that you did
Our Mission
Design Fusion International, Inc. is dedicated to providing creative, high quality, innovative, and responsive Land Planning services that create both economic and emotional value for our clients and the community. We set the bar high, and others try to keep up.
Our Promise
Design Fusion International, Inc. operates on imagination, creativity, integrity, and honesty. We dream it - then do it - everyday reinventing what is possible and making the world around us a better place for it.